Who inspired me

I have to say that I didn't have big ambition to push AŽ hive to the people who are used to Langstroth hives. Although I had posted some plans already in late 90's, just in case if there will be  any English speaking beekeeper that would like to try: http://web.bf.uni-lj.si/jbozic/cic/AZhive.html
There were some requests for more information but no one so detailed and with so many ideas as Mark Simonitsch. He had been well informed visiting few years ago many beekeepers in Slovenia, especially mentioned Franc Šivic and Jože Sever. During his last visit in Slovenia a year before he asked me to write English manual. It was hard to find time among teaching and other duties, but I made it and see some special professional opportunity in this activity, which, I hope, will grove up in future.
Mark in front of his bee colony in AŽ hive

Mark also convinced me to visit USA in June 2015. That was great experience that needs special topics.

Thanks Mark!

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